Are chiropractors quacks?

Are chiropractors quacks?

Chiropractors have been called quacks, fake doctors, thrown in jail, and worse over the profession’s one hundred plus year history. Unfortunately there are a lot of misconceptions about the chiropractic profession and what we treat and how chiropractic care really works. Some of that is perpetuated by a few bad apples in the chiropractic profession, some by misguided medical doctors, and some by public misconception.

Let’s clear a couple of things up. Chiropractors are NOT medical doctors. We generally do not provide medication or do surgery (there are exceptions to this in a few U.S. states and in other countries). This does not mean we are fake doctors, it means we hold a different degree, a doctor of chiropractic (D.C.) degree. We believe in providing the least invasive treatments available for common conditions that are in our scope of practice, back pain and neck pain being the most common. By treating patients with conservative chiropractic care, many times we can save a patient from invasive and dangerous medical procedures. This is not to say that we don’t believe in medicine, or that we don’t trust medical doctors. Actually it is quite the opposite. Chiropractors often work hand in hand with the medical profession. There are even chiropractors in many hospitals, including the VA hospitals across the country.

Learn more about chiropractic care here /article/3

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Dr. Kauffman is a licensed chiropractor in Loveland, OH. He serves patients in Cincinnati and the areas of Mason Ohio, Lebanon Ohio, West Chester Ohio, and Loveland Ohio. Please call us today at 513-444-4529 for an appointment with your Loveland Ohio chiropractor, Dr. Kauffman.

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    Dr. Kauffman is a licensed chiropractor in Loveland, OH. Patients travel from all over Cincinnati and the Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions to seek our uniquely effective care.