About Kauffman Chiropractic

Dr. Kauffman D.C. is a practicing family chiropractor in Loveland, OH.  If you have back pain, neck pain, headaches, car accident injuries, radiating pain into the arms or legs, or something else we can help you with please call us today.  Our goal is to help alleviate your pain and symptoms and get you on the path to wellness with chiropractic care.

Location: Directly accross from the Loveland post office

215 Loveland-Madeira Road            513-444-4529


Dr. Kauffman is a licensed chiropractor in Loveland, OH. He serves patients in Cincinnati and the areas of Mason Ohio, Lebanon Ohio, West Chester Ohio, and Loveland Ohio. Please call us today at 513-444-4529 for an appointment with your Loveland Ohio chiropractor, Dr. Kauffman.

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  1. dr kauffman

    Dr. Kauffman is a licensed chiropractor in Loveland, OH. Patients travel from all over Cincinnati and the Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions to seek our uniquely effective care.